The hiring process has only gotten more complex in the past few months. I want to share resources and suggestions to help you boost your hiring process. What is working in today’s hiring environment? We will examine what numbers are significant to track and how to streamline your hiring process. You can also survey your existing workforce and define your employee value proposition.
Step One: By the Numbers
All leaders are aware that hiring and retaining are critical needs right now. However, sharing recruiting methods can help you illustrate those gaps if you need more resources or hiring team empowerment. Check out “5 Recruiting Metrics You Should Share With the C-Suite” on LinkedIn for a good roadmap.
Gallup reports in “U.S. Employee Engagement Slump Continues” that 17% of today’s workforce considers themselves actively disengaged. This number is up a whole percentage point from last year. Survey your existing workforce to see what they might want/need right now. It will help you with both retention and hiring.
Now is a good time to audit Your Hiring Process (or have an outside firm do it for you.) It might seem counter-intuitive to stop and gather numbers when you are feeling overwhelmed. However, it can be worthwhile to see how long the process takes from request to hire and where you can save time or institute new systems. See HR Audit: Everything You Should Know to Get Started.
Step 2: Find the “Why” to Boost Your Hiring Process Even More
Have you ever had a candidate ask, “Why do you work here”? That question can put you on the spot, but it turns out it is a great question to know the answer to. Not just for yourself but to help illustrate your company’s Employee Value Proposition (EVP). Knowing your “why” improves recruiting and retention efforts.
One of my suggestions above to support your hiring process is to survey your existing workforce. You can use an employee survey to find out what IS working. Answer the “Why do they work here” question, and you are on your way to clearly defining your company’s Employee Value Proposition.
Why is it important to define EVP? Check out the impressive statistic:
Delivering on an EVP can decrease annual employee turnover by just under 70% and increase new hire commitment by nearly 30%.
“13 Inspiring Employee Value Propositions Examples to Attract Great Talent” from assessment software company Vervoe shares inspiring examples of great EVPs. Most of these examples are from large companies with big budgets, But you don’t need to have a highly-produced video for this strategy to work. Instead, it is essential to define your EVP so you can convey it internally and externally.
I would love to hear if your company has a clearly defined EVP and if it is helping with retention and recruitment. Ready to work on this? Let me know – I can help. Want to stay in touch? Sign up for my informational email. Know someone who is looking for a new position? You can see our open opportunities here.