As the world continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly essential for individuals and organizations to embrace adaptability. Unquestionably, adapting to changing circumstances is crucial for success in both personal and corporate settings. In this article, I will share insights and resources to help you cultivate a partnership mindset, attract, develop, and retain top talent, and increase personal adaptability.
Shall We Dance? Developing a Partnership Mindset
One extensive resource today that I am highly recommending. The Global Talent Trends Study from Mercer contains essential data and a vital perspective switch that you will find helpful (and hopeful). The study was based on over 13,300 respondents from all organizational levels. Fostering a partner mindset between H.R., C-Suite, and Employees to solve persistent talent challenges makes sense. See what you think!
3 Key Partnering Suggestions:
• Build a partnering mindset across your business. Define what it takes to be an excellent partner to different stakeholder groups.
• Move from “mandated” flexibility to organic flexibility in the flow of work by investing in technology to ease the logistics of hybrid working.
• Embed a partnership mindset into your reward programs. Reward performance, incentivize development, and promote fairness.
The #1 Business Advantage Explained
We continue looking at the advantage of cultivating personal and corporate adaptability. I want to share Korn Ferry’s annual “World’s Most Admired Companies” list compiled with Fortune. Read on to discover the one thing they all have in common. According to Korn Ferry, what is the one feature the world’s most admired companies share?
“54% of WMAC executives gave their organizations high marks for developing people for new or different work, versus 39% of peer company executives.”
Finding, hiring, and developing key talent is the key to adapting to today’s business challenges. Of the nine attributes of reputation Korn Ferry uses to rank firms, the ability to attract, develop and retain talented people consistently emerged as an area where the most admired companies stand out relative to others. It is undoubtedly an exciting and challenging time to work in talent acquisition!
See the complete list: Fortune’s Most Admired Companies.
Are YOU Adaptable?
So, we’ve looked at adaptability in relation to corporate systems, but what about us? Would you say you are adaptable? It is one of those slippery terms that sounds positive, but how is it defined? Let’s look at how we can identify and grow this skill in the resources below.
In “How to Become More Adaptable in Challenging Situations,” Harvard Business Review offers three clear guidelines for increasing personal adaptability:
• First, learning agility is about experimenting with new tactics, approaching situations with a growth mindset, seeking and learning from feedback, and applying these lessons in real-time.
• Second, emotional self-regulation is the ability to become aware during an emotional response and practice giving yourself space to think about a productive reaction in a given situation
• Lastly, dual awareness is simultaneously seeing our internal reactions and the larger external picture.
The authors call practicing all three skills a way to foster an attitude of ‘deliberate calm.’ Cultivating deliberate calm can help you remain open-minded in challenging situations. Interesting!
From BBC WORKLIFE, “How Adaptability Helps You ‘Bounce Forwards’ at Work” has suggestions for becoming more adaptable. One key quote is, “Adaptability isn’t just about surviving a change when it hits you – that’s resilience.” Instead, experts say that to be truly adaptable, you need to be actively prepared for change, even advocate for it, and consistently add more capabilities into your repertoire so your skillset can meet emerging needs.
I am concluding with the thought that adaptability is critical to success in both personal and corporate settings. Individuals and organizations can thrive in an ever-changing world by fostering a partnership mindset, attracting, developing, and retaining top talent, and cultivating personal adaptability. I encourage you to explore the resources in this article and let me know what resonates for you!
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