A little something different for this article. Have you ever wondered exactly how an executive recruiter works? I realized I have never talked about my work and why I find it satisfying.
The job market is definitely in a huge transition right now. I recently ran a LinkedIn poll asking, “What would motivate you to make a career change?” I have such an intelligent group of LinkedIn connections that I was curious to hear the results. Over 250 people participated. Compensation was the number one reason at 34%, and making a move for advancement was a close second at 30%. Change in Leadership and remote work (14% and 20%) weren’t as significant a motivation. So, to make more and advance in your career, the consensus is that sometimes you must move to a new company. And that’s where executive recruiting comes in.
Why Use an Executive Recruiter?
First, a basic definition. Executive search is a specialized recruitment service. Organizations hire an executive recruiter to seek out highly qualified candidates for senior-level and executive jobs. These positions can be across the public and private sectors and not-for-profit organizations. Most of you have worked with search firms – including mine-for these types of positions.
Next – benefits include- a comprehensive recruiting process, access to an extensive candidate database and network, discretion, confidentiality, saving time and money. HR professionals and Hiring Managers have full job descriptions to fulfill besides hiring tasks. Executive recruiters specialize in hiring. They know their industries and take care of almost all the hiring processes. They can provide sourcing, qualifying, testing, and initial interviews. This service frees HR and the Hiring Managers to do their jobs and fulfill strategic business objectives.
You also get a partner throughout the entire process. A quality recruiting firm will partner with a company throughout the recruiting, interviewing, hiring, resignation, and onboarding process to ensure a successful hire is made. My firm and I check in after each hire with both the client and the candidates h to make sure the placement is successful and retention – ideally, long-term retention is going to happen.
Finally, we act as your eyes and ears within the industry and in the marketplace. Since I work “in the trenches” day in and day out, I have a working overview of what is happening in the employment marketplace overall and my clients’ industry in particular.
How Do Executive Search Firms Work?
There are a couple of options. One is a Retained Search. Retained Search is the higher-end service in the range of recruitment models. Clients who are looking to fill senior-level roles generally use this model. The search is given exclusively to the retained recruitment firm. We have a dedicated recruiting team assigned to you throughout the entire search process. Payments are traditionally made in three parts: One as a retainer to initiate the search, one at the time of submission of candidates, and one upon the placement of the candidate. A guarantee is in place to replace a candidate should a candidate leave before a specified time. Onboarding and coaching programs may be available to ensure that the new hire’s transition into his or her new role goes smoothly.
Secondly, we can also perform an Exclusive Search. An Exclusive Search is most often used for mid-level positions or where a large volume of hires is needed. A dedicated recruiter is assigned specifically to you. We find a number of prescreened and prequalified candidates for you to choose from. An upfront engagement fee is required to execute the search. The remainder of the payment is contingent upon the candidate’s successful identification, selection, and hiring.
I enjoy and thrive at my job mainly because it is great to find and match candidates to jobs that they will enjoy and who will positively contribute to your organization. Do you have questions for me about the process and the definitions above? Call me or drop me an email – I’d love to hear from you. Are you or someone you know interested in making a career move? Check out our current opportunities on the website.