Teamwork makes the dream work is more than a cheeky saying. It is the foundation for a well-functioning company culture. We have all heard about the Great Resignation these past several months. One of the reasons people stay at a company is challenging work combined with a great team. What will that look like moving forward? I am sharing some resources to start to answer that question.
Making Remote and Hybrid Work – Work
On Forbes- “Three Hybrid Work Trends Transforming Collaboration—For The Better”. This article has suggestions for fostering collaboration in a hybrid work environment. Solutions include fluid office space, internal communication channels for brainstorming, and fair ways to set up a hybrid meeting so all voices are heard.
Next, top contributors to MIT Sloan Management Review weigh in on “Six Ways Leaders Can Adapt to the Workplace of 2022”. Big, exciting ideas here around inclusivity, successful collaboration, employee growth, and mentorship.
On Inc. – CEO Carrie McKeegan talks about what works for her company – including a single project management program for everyone – in “How to Fix Fragmented Remote Work Communication”. She points out that remote work highlights existing communication gaps and presents an opportunity to streamline and fix those issues.
Finally, author Julie Reiken on Human Resource Executive shares the “Top 3 warning signs your remote culture won’t work for 2022”. It looks like some kind of remote or hybrid work is here to stay – how do you spot and correct an ineffective remote work culture? Engagement, silos, and communication are keys in this practical article.
Company Culture, Listening, and Retention
I admit that the ears in this blog’s lead photo got my attention first, but I am glad I read “Listen Up! Why a Good Company Culture Starts with Making Employees Feel Heard” by Laura Hilgers on LinkedIn Talent Blog. She shares practical suggestions on how to activate employee listening. Checking for critical issues like a sense of belonging, being heard, or emerging burnout is important for retention and a healthy functioning company culture.
Best-selling author and Emotional Intelligence expert Daniel Goleman shares “The Secret to Happier Employees” on Korn Ferry’s blog. He highlights companies that have managed to increase their employee engagement this past year. Answers include giving back and fostering a sense of meaning and belonging.
I love the Ohio Health approach- Administrative departments adopted a Unit and sent thank you notes and meals – a fantastic way to show support to your fellow employees on the front lines.
Tell me how your company is approaching culture and retention. Are you open mostly remotely, or have you been using hybrid work solutions? What’s working? What could use more resources and development?
We have some exciting positions available right now for companies that have solid company cultures. If you or someone you know is looking to make a move, check out our opportunities.