Hire Smart: 4 Actionable Strategies

Hiring Strategies - CB and Associates, Inc - western landscape

The current hiring landscape can feel like a Wild West shootout – everyone’s firing off applications, but very few are hitting the mark. A recent Korn Ferry report captures this atmosphere perfectly, stating it’s currently a “mad world hiring” experience for both employers and job seekers.

So, how can we successfully navigate the current hiring environment? Here are four actionable practices to bolster your hiring strategy.

Measure What Matters

Gone are the days when a fancy resume alone could win the game. As HR Dive highlights in their article Where talent acquisitions practices fail-and how to fix them, better recruiting metrics are essential. Focus on metrics that measure fit, not just qualifications.

  • Time-to-hire: Track how long it takes to fill open positions. A lengthy process can frustrate candidates and lead to them dropping out.
  • Quality of hire: Look beyond a new hire’s initial performance. How well are they retained? Are they exceeding expectations?
  • Candidate experience: Survey candidates about their experience with your interview process. Identify areas for improvement, like unclear communication or unnecessary delays.

Unleash the Superpowers You Already Possess

Human connection is a hiring “superpower”.  According to LinkedIn in their Talent Blog, The Superpowers Recruiters-and Their Orgs-Need Right Now, what’s needed now is the ability to streamline and personalize hiring practices.

  • Craft a compelling employer brand: Showcase your company culture and values on social media and career pages. What makes you unique? Why would someone want to work for you?
  • Be an active social listener: Engage with potential candidates online. Answer their questions and showcase your company’s personality.
  • Personalize the experience: Don’t send generic emails. Tailor your communication to each candidate’s background and interests.

Turn Employees into Advocates

Hiring is just the first step. The goal is to create loyal brand advocates who stay with you long-term. Here’s Hacking HR Lab’s secret sauce: “employee satisfaction leads to brand advocacy.”

  • Invest in onboarding: A smooth onboarding experience is key for retention. Offer clear expectations, mentorship programs, and opportunities to learn and grow.
  • Prioritize career development: Provide opportunities for your employees to develop their skills and advance their careers. This could include training programs, conferences, or internal mobility programs.
  • Foster a culture of feedback: Regularly solicit feedback from employees and use it to improve your work environment.

Hiring Strategy to Attract Hidden Gems

The best talent isn’t always actively searching for a new job. Look beyond traditional job boards and tap into untapped resources. The U.S. Department of Commerce offers a Job Quality Toolkit on their website that includes some great tips:

  • Partner with universities and colleges: Connect with career centers and offer internships or entry-level positions.
  • Focus on diversity & inclusion: Build a diverse workforce by actively reaching out to underrepresented groups.
  • Consider internal mobility: Give your existing employees opportunities to grow within the company. This not only boosts morale but also saves you time and money associated with external hires.

Choose a Hiring Strategy and Experiment

Implementing even one of these four strategies can help transform human resource professionals from passive observers to active participants in the hiring game. You can create a win-win situation for both your company and your talent pool.

CB and Associates, Inc. can partner with you to create a hiring strategy that is right for your company. Let’s get started! Message me with any hiring concerns you would like to discuss.

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