Is Resilience & Adaptability Learned?

Resilience and adaptability have become business buzzwords over this past year. I wanted to learn more about both these terms – especially adaptability. I wondered if the ability to adapt to disruptions successfully and quickly is an innate trait. Or is it something that can be learned? Turns out it is a little of both. […]

Is Effective Change Management Possible?

I have been hearing about fascinating and useful shifts in change management practices. Let’s look at what effective change management is now-given the pace of change we are experiencing. I am also including a look at some of the tools, resources, and apps out there to help ease Organizational change. Reviews of Current and Purposed […]

Teamworks as a Key to Retention

Teamwork makes the dream work is more than a cheeky saying. It is the foundation for a well-functioning company culture. We have all heard about the Great Resignation these past several months. One of the reasons people stay at a company is challenging work combined with a great team. What will that look like moving […]

Burnout Recovery – What is Working Now?

Providing flexibility and managing burnout is on our minds these days. There are some real challenges in the Talent landscape right now. I do feel like things are getting clearer. This month, I have gathered some resources that define workplace burnout and offer solutions. Interesting to see what is working. Burnout is Real Anna Burgess […]

Thinking about Thinking

I spent some time reviewing the articles and resources that I have shared in 2021 to see what connected and might have been helpful. Interestingly, we seem to be doing quite a bit of thinking about thinking. An article on Cognitive Load Theory and EQ (Emotional Intelligence) resources were the items I shared that we […]

Purpose, Well-Being, and Flexibility

How is everyone doing? This current transition is proving pretty complex. I am hearing a desire to have straightforward conversations from both candidates and clients. Conversations about health policies and remote or hybrid work options.  Given our recent experiences, having a defined personal purpose for work may be the key.  I am sharing some resources […]

Executive Recruiter – Help on the Career Path

A little something different for this article. Have you ever wondered exactly how an executive recruiter works? I realized I have never talked about my work and why I find it satisfying. The job market is definitely in a huge transition right now. I recently ran a LinkedIn poll asking, “What would motivate you to […]

Skills, Training, and ‘A’ is for Agile

The transition period we find ourselves in right now is full of both challenges and opportunities. Reskilling employees and candidates is a clear opportunity that I find fascinating. According to a 2017 McKinsey report, almost 25% of the workforce will need to be re-skilled in the next decade. Their latest report is “The future of […]

What is Employer Branding? Let me tell you a story…

What do we mean by employer branding and storytelling? These terms can seem like so much marketing-speak. But the data proves that we should not ignore this concept. 95% of potential employees consider a company’s reputation. In a recent informational email, I looked at the concept of storytelling. Storytelling is a way to convey employer […]

The Future of Work & Recruiting

This month I wanted to take a look at the future of work and recruiting. I found some great resources that I am sharing here – including a fun quiz to see what your EQ is. What do you see as your biggest change/challenge right now? Is it factoring in uncertainty around economic recovery? Finding […]