Three Best Practices For Career Success in 2019

Written by: Tracy Levine CEO, Advantage Talent Inc., Innovation Incubator Industry 4.0 (iii4.0) Founder and Facilitator A few years ago, I started noticing a trend in my recruiting searches. If a candidate’s online profile did not match the details outlined in their resume, they were less likely to be viewed as a top contender. Gone […]

Career Advice: Never Give Up!

To continue trying something that you had difficulty with in the past. To try again at something that you failed, quit or stopped. Getting back on a horse that you have fallen off could be literal or figurative!  10 Important Career Lessons Most People Learn Too Late In Life Written by: Bernard Marr Keep your […]

5 Career Resolutions Everyone Should Make

A More Prosperous 2019! by Adrian Granzella Larssen   When you’re not happy at work, making a New Year’s career resolution is easy: Get a new job. (Or, get a raise, snag that promotion, make it through a work week without using profanity—plenty to choose from.) But when things are going well, you should still be setting […]

Take A Break! – You deserve It.

Why Taking A Holiday Is Good For Your Career  written by: Wil Forget working yourself too hard – head for the beach and enjoy the career rewards If you’re in your first job with a new employer, or you’re keen to make a good impression, it can be tempting to avoid taking extended periods off […]

15 things successful people do over [the] holiday break

What Do [Successful] People Do All [Holi]Day? written by: Áine Cain • The holiday season is upon us — meaning many Americans will be taking some time off from work. • Business Insider looked into how everyone can make the most of a holiday break. • Being intentional about your time and ensuring you’re able […]

Career Corner: “Work-Life Balance…Are We Missing A Trick?”

  What is work-life balance? by: Gemma Leigh Roberts There’s plenty of research out there to suggest an unhealthy work-life balance can affect our health. The Mental Health Foundation found that an unfavorable balance between work and life can increase stress, negatively impact us physically and create tension in our personal relationships. From a psychology perspective, there’s […]

Career Corner: The Psychology Of Sales: Creating A Sales Edge*

The Psychology Of Sales: Creating A Sales Edge by: Gemma Leigh Roberts What’s the one characteristic successful sales professionals share? Resilience. Well actually more specifically, a resilience edge. Let’s start at the beginning, what is sales success? The three levels of sales success Sales success of course depends on the business environment and the individual, but generally […]

The Success Perspective*

The Success Perspective*  written by: Gemma Leigh Roberts The personal development industry is built on helping people create ‘success’. Whether that be health, wealth or happiness, it’s all about helping you get further ahead by following a set of instructions or a particular method. All totally logical, except it’s a flawed process. Welcome to the […]