Navigating Change with Confidence

You have probably seen a meme with the quote from the Greek philosopher, “The only constant in life is change.” It feels true, especially now. While change is often a needed catalyst for progress, it can also be a source of apprehension. In this article, I’d like to share current change management strategies and give […]

Ghost Proof Your Job Search

Have you experienced the frustration of being ghosted after applying or interviewing for a position? I’ve heard a lot about this trend in my recent conversations with job seekers. To dive deeper into this issue, I conducted a poll on LinkedIn, which got over 150 responses. The results revealed that 69% of the respondents expressed […]

Unlocking Talent Development in a Changing World

The familiar ground beneath our feet has become a dynamic terrain for talent leaders. Some days, it feels as if the hiring landscape resembles a thrilling yet potentially perilous rollercoaster, propelled by diverse forces – from accelerating tech demands and remote work revolutions to economic uncertainties and ever-evolving skill requirements. In this month’s blog, we […]

Roaring Success: Cultivating Leadership Excellence

I recently came across a fascinating statistic from consultant Korn Ferry stating that 82% of executive recruiters cite leadership abilities, not specialized technical skills, as the critical factor in executive hires. This signals an organizational shift toward evaluating leadership potential and the skills that allow someone to inspire teams, adapt to complex situations, and guide […]

Embracing the #1 Business Advantage: Adaptability

As the world continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly essential for individuals and organizations to embrace adaptability. Unquestionably, adapting to changing circumstances is crucial for success in both personal and corporate settings. In this article, I will share insights and resources to help you cultivate a partnership mindset, attract, develop, and retain top talent, […]

Is Resilience & Adaptability Learned?

Resilience and adaptability have become business buzzwords over this past year. I wanted to learn more about both these terms – especially adaptability. I wondered if the ability to adapt to disruptions successfully and quickly is an innate trait. Or is it something that can be learned? Turns out it is a little of both. […]

Burnout Recovery – What is Working Now?

Providing flexibility and managing burnout is on our minds these days. There are some real challenges in the Talent landscape right now. I do feel like things are getting clearer. This month, I have gathered some resources that define workplace burnout and offer solutions. Interesting to see what is working. Burnout is Real Anna Burgess […]

Thinking about Thinking

I spent some time reviewing the articles and resources that I have shared in 2021 to see what connected and might have been helpful. Interestingly, we seem to be doing quite a bit of thinking about thinking. An article on Cognitive Load Theory and EQ (Emotional Intelligence) resources were the items I shared that we […]

Purpose, Well-Being, and Flexibility

How is everyone doing? This current transition is proving pretty complex. I am hearing a desire to have straightforward conversations from both candidates and clients. Conversations about health policies and remote or hybrid work options.  Given our recent experiences, having a defined personal purpose for work may be the key.  I am sharing some resources […]

Executive Recruiter – Help on the Career Path

A little something different for this article. Have you ever wondered exactly how an executive recruiter works? I realized I have never talked about my work and why I find it satisfying. The job market is definitely in a huge transition right now. I recently ran a LinkedIn poll asking, “What would motivate you to […]